
new italian espresso beginner and pre intermediate workbook audio online updated edition

Bultrini Paolo, Graziani Filippo New Italian Espresso. Beginner and Pre-Intermediate. Workbook + audio online. Updated edition



Le novita di New Italian Espresso Beginner/Pre-Intermediate - Updated edition - Workbook: nuovi esercizi nuove attivita di ascolto quattro test di autovalutazione versione digitale con attivita interattive con autocorrezione e possibilita per l'insegnante di assegnare compiti e seguire il processo di apprendimento degli studenti La scansione delle attivita segue di pari passo l’andamento delle corrispondenti lezioni di New Italian Espresso Beginner/Pre-Intermediate - Updated edition - Textbook. Funzione di queste pagine e quella di consolidare strutture e lessico appresi nel corso e di permettere allo studente di valutare i progressi fatti. La tipologia degli esercizi e varia. Presenta, infatti, attivita di completamento, di abbinamento, di riflessione grammaticale, di trasformazione, di applicazione delle funzioni comunicative, attivita con domanda-risposta, parole incrociate, compilazione di tabelle, ecc. Visita l'AREA WEB per accedere agli audio e alle chiavi degli esercizi. Tutti i materiali audio sono accessibili anche tramite QR code (leggibile da telefono o altro dispositivo mobile).

Bultrini Paolo, Graziani Filippo New Italian Espresso. Beginner and Pre-Intermediate. Textbook + ebook interattivo. Updated edition



Le novita di New Italian Espresso Beginner/Pre-Intermediate - Updated edition: nuovi testi scritti e orali, nuovi percorsi, nuove attivita e nuove sezioni culturali una nuova sezione dedicata alla letteratura italiana versione digitale dell'intero volume inclusa nel libro con attivita interattive con autocorrezione e possibilita per l'insegnante di assegnare compiti e seguire il processo di apprendimento degli studenti New Italian Espresso Beginner/Pre-Intermediate - Updated edition si rivolge a studenti di livello elementare e pre-intermedio. E particolarmente adatto agli studenti di College e Universita Americani negli USA e in Italia e alle istituzioni universitarie anglo-americane in genere. Segue le ACTFL Proficency Guidelines.

Hutchinson Tom Hotline New Elementary (Student`s Book)



New Hotline a revised edition of Hotline, the highly successful English course for teenagers. New Hotline retains all the strengths of the original course reinforced and updated with the addition of new and improwed features. The four-level course may be started at beginner level (New Hotline Starter) or false beginner level (New Hotline Elementary). New Hotline will take students to an intermediate level of English.

Hutchinson Tom Hotline New Elementary (Workbook)



New Hotline a revised edition of Hotline, the highly successful English course for teenagers. New Hotline retains all the strengths of the original course reinforced and updated with the addition of new and improwed features. The four-level course may be started at beginner level (New Hotline Starter) or false beginner level (New Hotline Elementary). New Hotline will take students to an intermediate level of English.

Hutchinson Tom Hotline New Intermediate (Student`s Book)



New Hotline a revised edition of Hotline, the highly successful English course for teenagers. New Hotline retains all the strengths of the original course reinforced and updated with the addition of new and improwed features. The four-level course may be started at beginner level (New Hotline Starter) or false beginner level (New Hotline Elementary). New Hotline will take students to an intermediate level of English.

Hutchinson Tom Hotline New Intermediate (Workbook)



New Hotline a revised edition of Hotline, the highly successful English course for teenagers. New Hotline retains all the strengths of the original course reinforced and updated with the addition of new and improwed features. The four-level course may be started at beginner level (New Hotline Starter) or false beginner level (New Hotline Elementary). New Hotline will take students to an intermediate level of English.

Hutchinson Tom Hotline New Pre-Intermediate (Student`s Book)



New Hotline a revised edition of Hotline, the highly successful English course for teenagers. New Hotline retains all the strengths of the original course reinforced and updated with the addition of new and improwed features. The four-level course may be started at beginner level (New Hotline Starter) or false beginner level (New Hotline Elementary). New Hotline will take students to an intermediate level of English.

Hutchinson Tom Hotline New Pre-Intermediate (Workbook)



New Hotline a revised edition of Hotline, the highly successful English course for teenagers. New Hotline retains all the strengths of the original course reinforced and updated with the addition of new and improwed features. The four-level course may be started at beginner level (New Hotline Starter) or false beginner level (New Hotline Elementary). New Hotline will take students to an intermediate level of English.

Hutchinson Tom Hotline New Starter (Student`s Book)



New Hotline a revised edition of Hotline, the highly successful English course for teenagers. New Hotline retains all the strengths of the original course reinforced and updated with the addition of new and improwed features. The four-level course may be started at beginner level (New Hotline Starter) or false beginner level (New Hotline Elementary). New Hotline will take students to an intermediate level of English.

Upstream Elementary A2 Class Audio CDs (set of 3)


Модель: Express Publishing

Уровень: Beginner A1+ to Intermediate B1+ Upstream (Beginner to Level B1+) предназначен для студентов, изучающих английский язык с нуля до среднего уровня. Каждый уровень УМК состоит из пяти модулей и обеспечивает систематическое развитие всех четырех языковых навыков – аудирование, говорение, чтение и письмо. Учебник и Рабочая тетрадь покрывают 60 – 80 часов аудиторной работы. Рабочая тетрадь содержит лексику, грамматику, задания на аудирование и письмо, разделы с различными логическими задачами, мотивирующими ученика к изучению английского языка, и скрипты к заданиям на прослушивание. Книга для учителя включает в себя пошаговые конспекты лекций, дополнительные идеи, задания для внеклассных занятий и ключи к учебнику. The Test Booklets предоставляет возможность учителю оценить уровень усвояемости пройденного материала, а также проверить в середине года прогресс учащихся в процессе обучения. Основные характеристики учебника: тематические разделы составлены из различных тем; представлены кросскультурные и межкультурные темы; имеются логические задачи, заключающие в себе всю необходимую лексику, словосочетания, встречающиеся в повседневной разговорной речи, фразовые глаголы и словообразование. грамматические разделы охватывают все основные области грамматики и раздел Grammar Reference; анализ состава практической части курса по всем видам письма с практическими моделями разговорной деятельности. компоненты A1+ B1 Upstream Beginner A1+. Student's Book. Учебник Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Student's Book. Учебник Upstream Beginner A1+. Workbook. Рабочая тетрадь Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Workbook. Рабочая тетрадь Upstream Beginner A1+. Workbook Key. Ответы к рабочей тетради Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Workbook Key. Ответы к рабочей тетради. Upstream Beginner A1+. Class Audio CDs. (set of 3). Аудио CD для работы в классе Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Class Audio CDs. (set of 4). CD для работы в классе Upstream Beginner A1+. Student's Audio CD. Аудио CD для работы дома Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Student's Audio CD. Аудио CD для работы дома Upstream Beginner A1+. Teacher's Book. Книга для учителя Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Teacher's Book. (interleaved). Книга для учителя Upstream Beginner A1+. Workbook. (Teacher's). КДУ к рабочей тетради Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Workbook. (Teacher's). КДУ к рабочей тетради. Upstream Beginner A1+. Test Booklet. Сборник тестовых заданий и упражнений Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Test Booklet. Сборник тестовых заданий и упражнений. Upstream Beginner A1+. Test Booklet CD-ROM. CD-ROM к сборнику тест. зад. и упр. Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Test Booklet CD-ROM. CD-ROM к сборнику тест. зад. и упр. Upstream Beginner A1+. My Language Portfolio. Языковой портфель Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. My Language Portfolio. Языковой портфель Upstream Beginner A1+. DVD Activity Book. Рабочая тетрадь к DVD. Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. DVD Activity Book. Рабочая тетрадь к DVD. Upstream Beginner A1+. DVD Video. PAL. DVD видео Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. DVD Video. PAL. DVD видео Upstream Beginner A1+. Interactive Whiteboard Software. Комп. прогр. для интерак. доски Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Interactive Whiteboard Software. Комп. прогр. для интерак. доски. А2 B1+ Upstream Elementary A2. Student's Book. Учебник Upstream Level B1+. Student's Book. Учебник Upstream Elementary A2. Workbook. Рабочая тетрадь Upstream Level B1+. Workbook. Рабочая тетрадь Upstream Elementary A2. Workbook Key. Ответы к рабочей тетради Upstream Level B1+. Class Audio CDs. (set of 3). Аудио CD для работы в классе Upstream Elementary A2. Class Audio CDs. (set of 3). Аудио CD для работы в классе Upstream Level B1+. Student's Audio CD. Аудио CD для работы дома Upstream Elementary A2. Student's Audio CD. Аудио CD для работы дома Upstream Level B1+. Teacher's Book. Книга для учителя Upstream Elementary A2. Teacher's Book. Книга для учителя Upstream Level B1+. Workbook. (Teacher's). КДУ к рабочей тетради Upstream Elementary A2. Workbook. (Teacher's). КДУ к рабочей тетради Upstream Level B1+. Test Booklet CD-ROM. Диск CD-ROM к сборнику тестов Upstream Elementary A2. Test Booklet. Сборник тестовых заданий и упражнений Upstream Level B1+. My Language Portfolio. Языковой портфель Upstream Elementary A2. Test Booklet CD-ROM. CD-ROM к сборнику тест. зад. и упр. Upstream Level B1+. DVD Activity Book. Рабочая тетрадь к DVD. Upstream Elementary A2. My Language Portfolio. Языковой портфель Upstream Level B1+. DVD Video. PAL. DVD видео Upstream Elementary A2. DVD Activity Book. Рабочая тетрадь к DVD. Upstream Level B1+. Interactive Whiteboard Software. Комп. прогр. для интерак. доски. Upstream Elementary A2. DVD Video. PAL. DVD видео Upstream Elementary A2. Interactive Whiteboard Software. Комп. прогр. для интерак. доски

Whitby Norman Business Benchmark. Pre-intermediate to Intermediate. BULATS Class Audio CDs



Business Benchmark. Pre-intermediate to Intermediate. BULATS Class Audio CDsBusiness Benchmark Second edition is the official Cambridge English preparation course for Cambridge English: Business Preliminary, Vantage and Higher (also known as BEC), and BULATS. These Class Audio CDs contain all the recorded material for the listening activities in the Business Benchmark Pre-intermediate to Intermediate BULATS Student's Book, including the BULATS practice test listening. 2nd edition.

Porreca Sara L'italiano per la cucina + online audio



This course in Italian language and cuisine - for high beginner and lower intermediate level students of Italian - presents 12 original and simple stories, each dedicated to a classic Italian recipe. Each short story is accompanied by a picture glossary plus a rich and structured unit of exercises and activities. Each unit helps students gain competence in using cooking-related language, while introducing them to interesting facts about the origins of typical recipes, the Italian proverbs and idiomatic expressions connected with food, and the art of traditional Italian cuisine! The book comes with free online access to audio readings of the stories and the recipes, audio tracks for the listening exercises, plus a selection of videos for the recipes. Answers to all the activities are provided at the back of the book.

Bali Maria, Ziglio Luciana, Rizzo Giovanna New Italian Espresso. Intermediate and advanced. Workbook + audio online



Questa nuova edizione completamente rinnovata e composta di 15 lezioni e propone nuove letture, nuovi ascolti, nuovi esercizi. La scansione delle attivita segue di pari passo l’andamento delle corrispondenti lezioni di New Italian Espresso - intermediate/advanced - Textbook. Funzione di queste pagine e quella di consolidare strutture e lessico appresi nel corso e di permettere allo studente di valutare i progressi fatti. La tipologia degli esercizi e varia. Presenta, infatti, attivita di completamento, di abbinamento, di riflessione grammaticale, di trasformazione, di applicazione delle funzioni comunicative, attivita con domanda-risposta, parole incrociate, compilazione di tabelle, ecc.

Murphy R. English Grammar in Use with answers and CD-ROM. Fourth Edition



English Grammar in Use . .With answers, CD-ROM and grammar glossary • Fourth Edition . .A self-study reference and practice book . .for intermediate learners of English . .English Grammar in Use Fourth Edition is an updated version of the . .best-selling grammar title. . .This new edition with answers: . .• has a fresh, appealing new design and clear layout, with revised and updated examples .• is arranged in a tried-and-trusted, easy to use format, with explanations of grammar points on each left-hand page and exercises to check understanding on the right .• is perfect for independent studying and the study guide helps learners to identify which language points to focus on .• contains lots of additional practice exercises to consolidate learning. . .The new edition of the English Grammar in Use Extra CD-ROM offers lots more practice exercises with audio recordings and tests. . . .

Murphy R. English Grammar in Use with answers and CD-ROM. Fourth Edition



English Grammar in Use . .With answers, CD-ROM and grammar glossary • Fourth Edition . .A self-study reference and practice book . .for intermediate learners of English . .English Grammar in Use Fourth Edition is an updated version of the . .best-selling grammar title. . .This new edition with answers: . .• has a fresh, appealing new design and clear layout, with revised and updated examples .• is arranged in a tried-and-trusted, easy to use format, with explanations of grammar points on each left-hand page and exercises to check understanding on the right .• is perfect for independent studying and the study guide helps learners to identify which language points to focus on .• contains lots of additional practice exercises to consolidate learning. . .The new edition of the English Grammar in Use Extra CD-ROM offers lots more practice exercises with audio recordings and tests. . . .

Redman Stuart English Vocabulary in Use. Pre-intermediate & Intermediate



Издание полностью на английском языке. English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate & intermediate is primarily designed as a self-study reference and practice text but it can also be used for classroom work. This second edition has been fully revised and updated to ensure that the vocabulary presented is current and relevant. English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate & intermediate: - 100 easy-to-page units: vocabulary items are presented and explained on left-hand pages with a range of follow-up activities on right-hand pages; - presents and explains new words in context and shows learners how to work out rules for using them; - based on a corpus of real written and spoken language to ensure the vocabulary is relevant and up-to-date; - contains a comprehensive, student-friendly answer key; - includes a detailed index with phonemic transcriptions to help with the pronunciation of difficult vocabulary; - is beautifully illustrated in full color. Third Edition.

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